The Captain of the Ship Dreamer's Revenge
Boots. Before he was even born, my son was destined to become a pirate. Dad started calling him Boots (in reference to 'Boot-Strap Bill') while I was pregnant because I hadn't picked a name yet. Once he was born with beautifully bright red hair, he became William the Red. That's not his name of course, just his pirate one. Though I did almost legally change his name to add William.
Before long, with mom's encouragement, he was wearing pirate bandannas and playing with plastic swords. Not much has changed. When I mentioned that I needed to buy him a bed and convert the toddler bed he was using back into a crib for the baby that was on the way, it was only natural for dad to suggest making a pirate ship. Usually I would laugh it off and start shopping but the sparkle in his eyes stopped me.
And so the ship building began...
After several different drafts and visit's to IKEA's website to change the size of the mattress, the garage was officially converted to a ship yard. For the next several months (including the cold winter ones) most weekends were spent constructing a ship. Dad, Mom, Stuart, Nathanael and G.W. did the most work (poor mates!) and my little Jade would come home talking of nothing but "going to the tool store".
The Dreamer's Revenge approached time for her maiden voyage and I began preparations on the pirate bedroom - that meant bring on the paint! I finally decided to do his room very basic - the ocean, sky and an island. With working a full time job and four kids it took a lot longer than I expected but we finally finished.
Then came the decor. I picked several images that I wanted around his room and painted them to look like they were involved with the room. For the most part I am happy with them. The real challenge came in the form of the dresser.
My husband wanted an old ugly dresser to go in Jade's room. With an impressive pirate ship on it's way that sure wasn't happening! (You can see the old dresser in the background below). I started looking online for ways to paint it and came across the cutest dresser. Unfortunately, I didn't have the cash ($2500) for the dresser, so I painted my own version of it.
So far, everything has come together beautifully to make Jade's room a place he will love. The ship isn't quite done yet. She has one more piece to go on the back to make her complete. Hopefully dad leaves a way to get it into his room this time as the ship herself had to be taken apart to fit in the doorway (guess I won't be moving any time in the near future!).
More than just creating a bedroom, I'm very grateful for the time that I was able to spend with my parents working on this project. Some of my very favorite memories are working in the garage with my dad. It must be why I love the smell of the wood right after it's been sawed through, the satisfaction of pounding in a nail and even the smell of the stain as I brushed it across the planks of the ship. Perhaps it explains why I'm happiest when I'm creating or destroying.
Thank you mum and dad for taking the time to share these moments with my children as well. It has been so rewarding to have them see the satisfaction of doing something with your hands and following through on an idea. They can say that they helped to build the pirate ship and I am beyond grateful for the time you spent with them.
I think that no matter what, the garage will always be one of my favorite rooms in the house.
My happy Pirate! |