Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's a Pirate's Life for Me - Part 2!

I should probably wait to post this until the quilt is done...but oh well!

Dreamer's Revenge is finally complete!  The last piece was put into place, bolted down and plugged in.  Yes, plugged in - she has lights.  Jaeden hasn't stopped climbing up and jumping off her since Dad, Nathanael and G.W. delivered the helm.

Dad was kind enough to design this piece with a door that opens so that I can easily turn the lights on and off, turn the night-time music on, and change the sheets. Not to mention check on the things that Jade likes to hide around and in the pirate ship, were it sea worthy, it wouldn't have a prayer of floating with all the items that boy likes to hide in her hull!

It's been a lot of fun working on this whole project with my family and with Jade.  For his birthday, Uncle Nathanael, gave him two more packages of stars to go on the ceiling.  I had Jaeden help me put them up since he can easily reach the ceiling by standing on this new deck.  I instructed him to put the star in corner of the ceiling, he looked at me, frowned and asked sadly, "What did the star do wrong momma?".  Ha!  Needless to say that is the only corner of his room without a star in it!

Once I finish the quilt (I'll show it in a post when it's done - and yes mom, I finally started it!), this room will be done and it will be time to move on to Rayne's.  I'm sure it will be about the time that she's ready to move out of the crib...just a heads up dad - I'm thinking princesses and dragons... :)


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